About JCI Portugal

What JCI Portugal stands for

We are a team of change-makers who believe that everyone can take an active leadership role to change the world for the better.

JCI Portugal is a national organization representing JCI (Junior Chamber International), a global non-profit organization composed of young active citizens aged between 18 and 40 years. Our goal is to provide development opportunities that enable young people to act for positive change.

Active in more than 5,000 communities in almost 120 countries worldwide, JCI members bring together all sectors of society (business, politics, society) to create a sustainable impact. JCI members are recognized for embracing new ideas and collaborating across borders. We support our members to develop their leadership skills as they relate to personal development, business and entrepreneurship, community action and international collaboration.

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Our Founding Story

The foundation of JCI Portugal was in July 2004. Among the founders were: Susana Mendes (National President 2007), Filipe Carrera (National President 2006), Paulo Veiga (National President 2008) and Ronald Goovaerts (Senator).