Group of JCI Portugal members at Carcavelos Beach

World Clean Up Day 2023

Every year, JCI Portugal organizes a Beach Clean Up event to commemorate International World Cleanup Day.

On 16 September 2023, we gathered at Carcavelos Beach near Lisbon. This time, we joined forces with Volt* to combine our workforce and gather more people around the cause of waste reduction, recycling and sustainability. 

We got together at 10 am and started with a small introduction about JCI’s mission and vision and our current projects. Equipped with gloves and a trash bag, we swarmed out to collect the unwanted litter. A consistent observation, as with our previous initiatives, is that a significant portion of trash accumulates along the waterline and the farthest sections of the beach.

According to the Cascais Municipality, the beaches “are cleaned on a daily basis, as are the surrounding areas and their accesses, using manual and mechanical means”. In addition, volunteer-driven cleanup initiatives are run on a regular basis, for example the Youth Project “Maré Viva”, promoted by the Cascais municipality, or other organizations like ESN Lisboa and JCI Portugal. 

However, the recurrent discovery of substantial amounts of trash accentuates the imperative to address the root cause: our consumption patterns. It’s high time we reflect upon our consumption habits and ensure we not only minimize waste but also enhance our recycling methodologies.


The Outcome

Hour of Collection
Bags with separated trash
Cigarette Butts
Cigarette Butts in Bottles

By organising this activity, we want to contribute to the following Sustainable Development Goals:

Sustainable Development Goal 11
Sustainable Development Goal 12
Sustainable Development Goal 13
Sustainable Development Goal 15

* Please note that JCI Portugal is a non-political, non-partisan organization dedicated to developing leaders for a changing world. While we collaborated with Volt for this event, this partnership was solely for the purpose of raising awareness about sustainability, waste reduction and recycling. Our collaboration should not be construed as an endorsement or affiliation with any political ideology or agenda. Our primary focus remains on our core mission, and we engage with all sectors of society, irrespective of their political affiliations, to further that cause.